Dealer Product Catalog

This catalog is for dealers and/or prospective dealers. To view this catalog, you will need to take the following steps. A direct link to the public catalog, however, can be found below. As always, feel free to contact us for additional information on attachments and pricing. 

  1. Obtain a password from Russell Creek Engineering. If you do not already have it, you can email us any time at or call us at 620-236-4210.
  2. Navigate to our password-protected DEALER PRODUCT CATALOG, then enter the password.
  3. After you have logged in to the dealer product catalog page, then click on the link to open the dealer product catalog in PDF format.

Customer Product Catalog

This catalog lists products at our suggested list prices. For specific pricing, contact your local Russell Creek Engineering attachment dealer. These can be found on our website under Find a Dealer,” or you can call us at 620-236-4210 to assist you in finding your nearest dealer. 

Open the customer product catalog in PDF format.